During this difficult time we are facing worldwide right now, I thought I’d share an article I wrote back in 2013 about my beautiful, Great Dane puppy, Meshach. He was my buddy, my friend, and losing him so young was sure not in my plan. But I learned. I learned that through adversity is when we really do grow – if we choose to do so. Or we can become afraid and stagnate in our fear and bitterness. I hope we all choose during this uncertain time to embrace LOVE and TRUTH.
“While we all faced hardships and challenges last year, there were great highlights and high points that were revealed because of those very hardships and challenges. The U.S.A. faced many challenges with the economy and all of the natural forces of nature that wreaked havoc on areas around the country including the devastating hurricane on the east coast. However, so many people stepped up to help in such kind and creative ways that it gave me a sense of renewed hope. Or maybe it was because my own heart was so ripped apart late last year that the only way to mend was to see all the good around me. The gift of love in the form of a Great Dane puppy we named Meshach was suddenly torn from our lives due to inherited vaccinosis (2020 side note it is now called epigenetic damage) – a common yet unrecognized (by the conventional medical community) problem in our pets today.
Maybe losing a dog isn’t such a big deal to some people, but Meshach wasn’t just a dog, and I am not just some people. Animals are my business, but more importantly they are my heart. The Great Dane is my dog and breed of choice. I had not had one since I was eighteen years old, until Meshach came along and was very generously bestowed upon me by my friend Kim Felix of SisCoDanes.com. This was an especially generous gift since Meshach was Kim’s pick of litter for the breeding; he was show potential and I do not show.
No one knew the damage that was lurking within him because we all thought he’d be such a healthy boy, especially since he was wholly naturally reared. Losing him at the tender age of fifteen months when I did everything naturally, holistically, naturopathically was devastating for me. My heart was torn asunder. My confidence and knowledge in my abilities as a doctor of animal naturopathy were shaken to the core. In fact, my confidence in natural health care was nearly destroyed. I thought to myself that since he was first generation naturally reared, he should be healthy – never considering inherited vaccinosis or how long the damage from vaccines can continue to cause problems – generations in fact, especially if we don’t stop using them. I suppose I thought, what’s the difference if we use a natural approach or conventional, they still get sick and die. It was a very dark place to be in.
The good news is that my ego died right along with Meshach. But my faith in God has been greatly increased…that is after the initial storm cleared. Only recently I began to see the beauty emerging from the ashes of my own personal tragedy. (2020 side note – Isaiah 61:3 in scripture says that God will bring beauty from ashes, the oil of joy in our mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness).
I had a mentor once who used to say, “Leave your ego at the door!” I used to ponder what she really meant by that or even why she always said that. Now I know – egos really do get in the way.
Needless to say, I learned a lot last year and while I wished there were sometimes better ways to learn life’s lessons, sometimes the hardest, most devastating lessons are what allow us to really embrace what we must learn in this journey called life.
Losing my sweet little (giant really) boy Meshach really was very devastating for me as I stated above. While we only had him for 13 months, he taught us so much in such a short time with such love and joy. I will never forget him and I hope to write his story in this New Year (2020 side note: I still haven’t written his full story – it has heavy spiritual implications within). Our immense love for him AND the immense heartache of our loss, is what has finally inspired me to really get out and begin sharing the gift of health and healing as I never have before.
Of course I am still emerging from the darkness but each day is a bit brighter than the previous one. I still long for my sweet Meshach every single day and would love to hug his sweet neck just one more time – something I’m sure every animal lover has experienced in their loss of a beloved companion. He taught me so many things that only a book will be able to contain them all – and for that I am forever grateful to him for coming to me as such a special gift of love. I do not regret anything about him because of what I learned even though I have had to traverse such a dark place as a result. (2020 side note – I think in part why I’ve struggled so with my current puppy Ezra is because of this situation with Meshach which tells me I’m not as heart-healed as I thought).
Yes, my confidence in natural health has been completely restored and taken to a whole new level because my confidence is now placed firmly in God Himself and His provision through nature – not through my own abilities or knowledge. (2020 side note: I learned the term, “God-fidence” in 2016 after my only sister died through suicide).
There are a couple of songs that have helped me through my loss, but one that especially stands out is simply titled “Held” by Natalie Grant: “Two months is too little, they had no sudden healing…this is what it means to be held. How it feels when the sacred is torn from your life and you survive. This is what it is to be loved. And to know that the promise was when everything fell, we’d be held.”
Some might think this is extreme because he was “just a dog” but to me there is no such thing as “just a” dog, cat, horse, bird, etc. They are all individuals to be loved and cherished for the special beings they are. How fortunate we are that we get to share our lives with them no matter for how long or short – it is such a privilege! Meshach lived his short life in sheer joy every “well” day he had. It was impossible to be upset with him for long for a puppy mistake because he was so joyful that you had to join him in his joy. What a gift! He has enabled me to love better and deeper – stretching a firm heart is painful but necessary.
Thank you Meshach – my special, sweet gift of love for all of the love you poured out to us and made us better people as a result. I will love you always and forever.

“Conduct is the grand test of character. Words are one great evidence of the condition of the heart.” ~ J.C. Ryle
Copyright 2013/2020 Aspenbloom, Dr. Kim Bloomer, All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the Author/Publisher. This article is intended to be educational. However, it is not intended to be a substitute for diagnosis or treatment from a qualified animal health professional. Dr. Kim Bloomer, Aspenbloom Pet Care, does not assume any legal responsibility for misuse of the products discussed in this article.

Kim Bloomer, V.N.D., N.D. is an animal naturopath as well as being certified in small animal nutrition, with years of experience in animal wellness. Dr. Kim is a published author, writer, and blogger. Subscribe to her DOGgone Newsletter for updates or to her blog via email. Copyright ©2005-2025 Aspenbloom Pet Care, Dr. Kim Bloomer, All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the Author/Publisher. This article is intended to be educational. However, it is not intended to be a substitute for diagnosis or treatment from a qualified animal health professional. Dr. Kim Bloomer and Aspenbloom Pet Care, do not assume any legal responsibility for misuse of the products discussed in this article. The only essential oils referenced on this website are Young Living.