To segue from last week’s post on The “Giddy” Game I play with King, this week I am going to share a video of my husband Donnie playing The “Stalking” Game with Meshach – a video I’ve never shared before anywhere.
Read more“The “Stalking” Game”
human-dog bond
The “Giddy” Game
Okay this is going to probably seem REAL corny to most of you. When I watch the video I know it’s corny lol, but it’s also a lot of FUN! King and I play this game every single day – the Giddy Game is what I call it.
What is interesting is how it evolved over time from us playing tuggie to me making that goofy, “giddy, giddy, giddy” sound while he runs back and forth with the tuggie ring in his mouth. Read more“The “Giddy” Game”
King and I
Well the King has arrived! His first day was probably too much for him but he handled it like the champ he was. As soon as I took him down to the lower yard which we always refer to as “the valley“, the neighbors noticed the new dog. We have horse fencing around the valley so it is easy for all the dogs in the neighborhood and neighbors to notice…
Meet King
Meet King! He will come to live with us this coming Saturday!!! He doesn’t look much like a Great Dane or Neo Mastiff does he? LOL, well that’s because he obviously isn’t either one. I’m going to sidetrack a bit so you will know just how VERY special this little “big” boy is!
Dogs at Play with People
The Horowitz Dog Cognition Lab is run by Dr. Alexandra Horowitz, author of Inside of a dog: What dogs see, smell, and know. Our research group is based in New York City, and we study the behavior and cognition of companion dogs.
Grieving the Loss of a Pet
It’s been VERY difficult to lose both Shadrach in 2011 and now Meshach in 2012. They have left Mastiff-Dane sized holes in my heart and …
We Bid Our Meshach Adieu
It is with deep, deep sorrow that today we bid our sweet Meshach goodbye. He has been suffering with grand mal seizures since March. We …
Dog Ambassador
Almost everyone tells me when they meet Meshach or when they see his photos something like one friend said today “He’s beautiful and looks like …