Dr. Kim Bloomer
Dr. Kim Bloomer

The Toxic- Free Lifestyle Beginning with Soap

Most people today don’t seem to think much about the soaps they are using in their homes. They just see all the “beauty” benefits on television and then after watching those commercials over and over on the idiot tube, they traipse off to the store to purchase products that their brains were washed into believing they must have.

The “Giddy” Game

American Bully dog playing tuggieOkay this is going to probably seem REAL corny to most of you. When I watch the video I know it’s corny lol, but it’s also a lot of FUN! King and I play this game every single day – the Giddy Game is what I call it.

What is interesting is how it evolved over time from us playing tuggie to me making that goofy, “giddy, giddy, giddy” sound while he runs back and forth with the tuggie ring in his mouth. Read more“The “Giddy” Game”