canine naturopathy
canine naturopathy

Natural Immunity Not Vaccines

I was on a friend’s Facebook timeline on Friday reading an article she had posted about the CDC knowing that cancer virus has been put into vaccines but has lied to the public about it. I knew that, but one woman posted that there was no way that the CDC would do this and that it was because of vaccines polio had been eradicated. First of all, yes they would lie to us and have repeatedly. Secondly, polio has not been eradicated it is just called by different names now.

Lost, But Now Found

She came right up to me and let me pet her and that is when I noticed how brittle, dry and and dirty her coat was. I felt sorry for her. I let the two play as I contemplated what we were going to do – because I KNEW we HAD to do something to help this pretty girl. At the very least we were going to find her owners, give her water and some good, real, raw food and go from there.