Play is an Important Part of Growing Up
Play is an Important Part of Growing Up

Play is an Important Part of Growing Up

This post was written in “first dog” by Meshach the Great Dane puppy.

In the video, you can see how I play AND how I’ve grown, woof! I’m as big as some full grown large breed dogs and yet I’m just a tad over 4 months old.

I’m always going on about the laws of health bepaws a whole health approach to our care, with a species appropriate raw diet as the cornerstone (nutrition is the primary law of health and the foundation!) is critical to having a truly healthy puppy and dog. Lots of factors go into helping us live a healthy life in this chemical-laden world.

Did you know that playing is really good for us? Our canine wild cousins play in order to learn how to hunt. Our play is all about the hunt, and learning to defend ourselves and our pack. Of course we domestic canids might not ever have to hunt, but it is still hard-wired into us. And play uses a lot of energy, keeping us fit and strong!

Sometimes I stay outside ALL day just playing, and doing what Mom calls “pretend” hunting – I might just fool her one day and have a REAL catch, woof! In the video you will see me playing with my toys in the house and then outside doing REAL dog playing.

If you’ve ready my blog for any length of time, especially when Shadrach was blogging here, you’ll know that exercise is one of the LAWS of health. In nature if a law is broken there are consequences to pay. Exercise is not optional, especially in a healthy, energetic puppy such as ME!

Great Dane puppy on chairI even stay outside by choice and nap in my BIG chair just so I can be outside in nature and peruse my domain! I LOVE it! Mom and Dad keep checking on me and I wonder why they won’t just let me be in peace. I guess they think I might want to come back inside more often than I do, but I really don’t. We animals LOVE being outside in the fresh air and sunshine, especially when we’re well-fed, well cared for, and well loved, woof!

I’ll be back soon with more adventures AND sharing some of my naturally reared friends and family too!

Have a pawsitively tail waggin’, NATUROPATHICALLY healthy day, woof!

Photo Attribution: Meshach the Great Dane puppy by Dr. Kim Bloomer, Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved.




Kim Bloomer, V.N.D., N.D. is an animal naturopath as well as being certified in small animal nutrition, with years of experience in animal wellness. Dr. Kim is a published author, writer, and blogger. Subscribe to her DOGgone Newsletter for updates or to her blog via email. Copyright ©2005-2025 Aspenbloom Pet Care, Dr. Kim Bloomer, All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the Author/Publisher. This article is intended to be educational. However, it is not intended to be a substitute for diagnosis or treatment from a qualified animal health professional. Dr. Kim Bloomer and Aspenbloom Pet Care, do not assume any legal responsibility for misuse of the products discussed in this article. The only essential oils referenced on this website are Young Living.