Our weather in NM for the last few days has been VERY wintery but I’ve experienced such blessings and clarity in the mist of the fog and snow.
It has felt like Schatzie and I were the only souls about each morning. The first foggy morning, she snuck up on a flock of quail in the brush and they certainly woke me up from my deep contemplation as they flew en masse up out of the brush lol – who needs coffee!! 😂😜 I love watching her though as she inspects things, marks territory (high up I might add to trump coyotes I am sure and other dogs), and chases rabbits.
There is a nice layer of ice under that snow now. 😬 The snow has faded to patchiness yes, but that does not change the fact we are walking on crunchy, hard ground now with the deep freeze (for NM) we are currently living in. Mind you I am NOT complaining as we need the moisture – this is how it used to be when I was growing up here. Periods of cool temps, cold mornings and nights, with daytime highs in the 30s-40s during the winter. Then we’d get a blast of snow and real winter, and then back to sun with clear, blue skies.
That has changed a lot over the years as we’ve had more than our share of droughts and mild winters, plus the blue skies have been more hazy white than clear blue – but that is a different deep topic for another day. This has been a more “normal” winter for us or what I experienced as “normal” all my life here.
You may have noticed that my male, King, hasn’t been in the photos – well he’s on the injured reserve list for now. He gets a short walk daily with my husband to keep his lymph system moving as well as to honor the health law of exercise. He’s got a long journey ahead of him but he is a trooper and has such a great attitude about everything it seems. What a blessing these two dogs are in my life.
Schatzie is enjoying the days we run together on non-snowy days side-by-side (and learning her boundaries like not cutting in front of me like she did back in 2013 causing me to fall and break my ankle). She had only been with us two weeks at that time and we both had LOTS to learn. In fact, that fall and break was a major turning point in my life so I am grateful to her. While I’d not want a repeat lesson lol I can look back and see what transpired as a result of all of that.
Schatzie is such a delight to watch and be with. I am thrilled at her own recovery from her serious summer illness I wrote about here and while we can’t go back to how she was before her illness (we have had to modify some things) we are progressing forward nicely nonetheless.
2015 was a pretty challenging year but out of the dust of challenges and adversity came a cleansing rain that saturated my soul and allowed abundant growth. Because of my dogs’ health challenges I am all the more grateful for them and all they have brought to my life. I am grateful for all they teach me and allow me to then share what I learn with others so they too can benefit and go forward without fear. But I am mostly simply grateful to have these amazing dogs sharing their lives with me and my husband.
Isn’t it funny how it’s the possibility of losing what we took for granted that makes us wake up and know what we had to begin with? I had been spending so much time looking back at my lost loves of Shadrach and Meshach that I wasn’t focused on the here and now, in the present with the two fur blessings I have NOW.
When I went to the Young Living Convention in Dallas, TX in August right during a critical time in Schatzie’s illness (if my tickets and hotel hadn’t been prepaid and non-refundable I’d have not gone) I had the opportunity to try and smell all the essential oils multiple times daily. Two blends I had never tried previously REALLY captivated me – Present Time and Magnify Your Purpose. I came home and purchased those two blends and have been using them ever since. I believe, in part, the oils have helped me to BE present and appreciate all I have.
Walking rather than running these last few days, in dense fog, darker mornings and stillness – going slower and not as far as a result – I was able to really reflect on all that has transpired this last year and marvel at the work God has done in my life which I can now see in hindsight.
I can say that the morning adventures would probably not be happening without my trusty Running Wolf (Schatzie’s newest nickname) by my side. I look forward to having Running Bull (another of King’s many nicknames) and Donnie join us again too before too long. My dogs help keep ME healthy while supporting them to wellness by honoring ALL the laws of health (proper nutrition, exercise, fresh air, sunshine, pure water – we got an Aqualiv water filtration system this year – , proper rest, and trust in God and His laws of health).
My wish for all of you and your animals, is for you also to Be Well – in spirit, mind, and body.
So until next year…hehe 2016 is just a blink away….
Have a pawsitively, tail waggin’, NATUROPATHICALLY healthy day and Happy New Year!

Kim Bloomer, V.N.D., N.D. is an animal naturopath as well as being certified in small animal nutrition, with years of experience in animal wellness. Dr. Kim is a published author, writer, and blogger. Subscribe to her DOGgone Newsletter for updates or to her blog via email. Copyright ©2005-2025 Aspenbloom Pet Care, Dr. Kim Bloomer, All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the Author/Publisher. This article is intended to be educational. However, it is not intended to be a substitute for diagnosis or treatment from a qualified animal health professional. Dr. Kim Bloomer and Aspenbloom Pet Care, do not assume any legal responsibility for misuse of the products discussed in this article. The only essential oils referenced on this website are Young Living.