In the last week my husband Donnie and I began walking our neighbor’s little nine month old puppy, Stella (pictured here in the photo), a Border Collie/Terrier mix. WOW we were stunned to discover how much harder a workout is when you have a motivated and energetic dog to “walk” with, LOL! They told us today that they have noticed Stella being calmer which is good. They love her and know what a great dog she is going to become. Exercise just is not optional with us or our dogs – it is one of the eight laws of health.
I did notice that I have in fact, done more jogging, sprinting, and hill climbing since Stella has joined us than I have since Meshach passed away! He whipped me into shape over the thirteen months he graced our home. Now Stella is doing the same even though she isn’t our dog although she is becoming a great friend as are her humans! 🙂
I have also re-discovered the joy that was missing from my life just having Stella around. She motivates me with her energy and intelligence.
Today we saw our neighbor and his son taking her out for a walk – so she has gotten exercise SEVEN days this week! I was so excited to know that! This is a high energy breed designed for long days working livestock, so getting her out for some exercise every day just makes for a happier, more contented dog. Our neighbors are as grateful as we are and so are their little boys. When we visited them today Stella was in the house enjoying all of the activity and interaction with the family which was great for us to witness.
I didn’t expect to have such a benefit to my own health too! I exercise daily but Stella has added a new, more intense element back into it that Donnie and I both have needed and very much appreciate.
Here’s the awesome news that has resulted from my posting about our daily excursions with Stella on FB that I did not expect but I am VERY excited about: a friend whom I assisted with his sick Staffie a few years ago, is gifting us with a dog that he took in as a favor to a friend. He already had an American Staffordshire Terrier (whom I have featured here) and a Rottweiler and was/is content being a two-dog household. He actually took this dog along with his sister. He got the female a home with his vet tech but has been waiting all this time to give me the male – he wanted to wait until my heart was ready for which I am deeply grateful. The reason he waited? He said I was the only one he considered for this dog because he wants him to remain wholly naturally reared! He also knew how enamored I am of all the molosser breeds.
I was blindsided actually because I wasn’t actively looking for a dog although my heart was seeking obviously 🙂
I was, however, waiting on a promised Great Dane puppy – which I still want and will take when that time comes, let me tell you!
But getting this new dog, aptly named King, is SUCH a blessing – we are very excited about it! He is a bully breed so there will be new challenges in helping people to overcome their preconceived ideas about bully breeds. He is VERY dog/people friendly which is another plus. He loves riding in the car, is leash, crate and basic obedience trained also. AND lastly Stella will now have a playmate for the first time in her life and King will have a playmate as well – something that is very important to having a well-balanced and happy dog.
I will share King’s photo once he is living with us – but I was too excited to not give sneak peek news at the new edition coming to the Bloomer household. We have missed having the presence of a canine in our home – something most people were not aware that were were dog-less. But it seems we’ll be a two dog home before the year is out. That means we’ll have a Dane, a Bully breed AND a Stella haha!!
Having a dog makes life SO much better – even during the difficult times.
Have a pawsitively tail waggin’, NATUROPATHICALLY healthy day!
Photo Attribution: by Dr. Kim Bloomer of Stella the Border Collie Mix. Copyright 2013, All Rights Reserved.

Kim Bloomer, V.N.D., N.D. is an animal naturopath as well as being certified in small animal nutrition, with years of experience in animal wellness. Dr. Kim is a published author, writer, and blogger. Subscribe to her DOGgone Newsletter for updates or to her blog via email. Copyright ©2005-2025 Aspenbloom Pet Care, Dr. Kim Bloomer, All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the Author/Publisher. This article is intended to be educational. However, it is not intended to be a substitute for diagnosis or treatment from a qualified animal health professional. Dr. Kim Bloomer and Aspenbloom Pet Care, do not assume any legal responsibility for misuse of the products discussed in this article. The only essential oils referenced on this website are Young Living.