Fragrance vs. Scent
This week we have kind of a double allegory in one! Fragrance vs. scent or “sniff” for the dogs of course because it can be …
This week we have kind of a double allegory in one! Fragrance vs. scent or “sniff” for the dogs of course because it can be …
This allegory is about the awakening! This is the allegory continued…reference my Be Well book for the descriptions of the dogs minus the Fierce Seer (also known as Ezra …
The allegory continues…reference my Be Well book for the descriptions of the dogs minus the Fierce Seer (also known as Ezra the Carolina Dog on …
“Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. …
An allegory… As She sat and soaked in the Presence of the White Light, She reflected on how this latest part of her journey began. …
White Light, in Whom I delight, every day and night. Black Knight, Fierce Seer in the Night, receive the White Light. ~Kim Bloomer The Spiritual …
Allegory – continuing the ongoing saga from the Be Well book… It was so cold outside, the last thing She wanted to do was go …