Fragrance vs. Scent
This week we have kind of a double allegory in one! Fragrance vs. scent or “sniff” for the dogs of course because it can be …
This week we have kind of a double allegory in one! Fragrance vs. scent or “sniff” for the dogs of course because it can be …
This allegory is about the awakening! This is the allegory continued…reference my Be Well book for the descriptions of the dogs minus the Fierce Seer (also known as Ezra …
This is a dog blog is it not, so what is this about a new thing or a new sound? I’m glad you asked. With …
Let me take you on a little journey into natural animal health. I’ll digress right at the beginning here to share an excerpt from my …
The short answer? They don’t. Animals have such intense hearing that these type of very abnormal sounds that actually wreck havoc on us as well, …
This particular scripture verse has been on my heart a LOT! That and others focusing on the Light – Jesus! This is from Isaiah 60:1-3, …
This morning I was having an interesting discussion with my husband, or rather he was listening and I was doing some exuberant talking lol. It …
This past summer I had an interesting dream. A friend of mine in the faith helped me learn a few things about dream interpretation which …