Tuning IN, to Tune UP!
Not feeling on par? What happens when your vehicle needs a tune-up? We take it to get a tune-up (or if you’re mechanically inclined you do …
Dr. Kim’s views on various canine topics
Not feeling on par? What happens when your vehicle needs a tune-up? We take it to get a tune-up (or if you’re mechanically inclined you do …
I wrote this back in June when we were in severe drought. Even though the drought has ended and the blazing temperatures have waned a …
This won’t be a long post but it does bear sharing as so many have this mindset on the pet carnivore – NOT the wild …
What does that mean, speaking better things? As in positive words? Yes, it can and should mean that in part. The BLOOD is speaking better …
This post is going to be more about the losses we suffer during this life and how we decide to receive the gains in the …
Oh, sing to the LORD a new song! Sing to the LORD, all the earth. Psalm 96:1 THE IDEA So this idea isn’t my idea really …
“Your presence releases a fragrance so pleasing—over and over poured out. For your lovely name is “Flowing Oil.” No wonder the brides-to-be adore you.” ~Song …
Hey humans, I’m back to blog again, woof! I’m glad though honestly, it’s just to blog. I miss my mom and dad a lot though, …