Detoxifying Your Dog
Here’s another much misunderstood function of the body – detoxification. While I don’t intend for this to be explored in depth in this blog post, …
Dr. Kim’s views on dog behavior and nature
Here’s another much misunderstood function of the body – detoxification. While I don’t intend for this to be explored in depth in this blog post, …
We know what “defusing” a bad situation means right? In case not here is the definition on “to make less dangerous, tense, or embarrassing: …
There is also no definitive proof dogs have evolved from the wolf and have possibly always been dogs all along. Yes, That does not mean to say dogs are not carnivores. They are in FACT carnivores. This “study” doesn’t prove otherwise by any stretch of the imagination, funded or not. In FACT dogs DNA is so close to the wolf as to be nearly indiscernible by even the trained expert. But that isn’t what this argument is really about at all.
The Horowitz Dog Cognition Lab is run by Dr. Alexandra Horowitz, author of Inside of a dog: What dogs see, smell, and know. Our research group is based in New York City, and we study the behavior and cognition of companion dogs.
Almost everyone tells me when they meet Meshach or when they see his photos something like one friend said today “He’s beautiful and looks like …
This post is written in “first dog” by Meshach the Great Dane Puppy: Even though I’m really big now, I’m still just a buppy (translation: …
When I leave that salutation at the end of my blog posts what I am meaning is that I want you to have a HAPPY …
This blog post was written in “first dog” by Meshach the Great Dane puppy: I went to my first Great Dane Meetup on October 8, …