Aspenbloom Pet Care
In Memory of King

In Memory of King

American Bully testing the Puller toy
King testing out his new tug toy!

My Bubby Boy, King, our handsome American Bully, has left us for his heavenly home. My husband Donnie’s Buddy Dude – aka King the American Bully. January 14, 2012 – December 26, 2024. Godspeed little man, until we meet again our beautiful, amazing, handsome, smart, precious boy. We love you always and forever. *Audios & Videos of King at the end of this page. I do the same for our Carolina Dog, Ezra. Here is the blog post I wrote to explain all that transpired, there are two videos and another article on it that I hope can encourage and help you BEFORE this happens with your own pet(s): Until We Meet Again Our Bubby Boy and a follow up of the gift I had commissioned for Donnie’s birthday this year: Little King. Here is the AUDIO of how I prayed over King each night and the songs I sang to him – I hope this helps you in speaking LIFE over your own pets:

American bully boy

King had MANY nicknames, most of which I called him. He was my husband Donnie’s Little Man and Buddy Dude – and Donnie was totally his person and he was totally Donnie’s heart dog. For me, he was my: Bubby, Bubba King, Doodle Bug, Bean Bug, Hug Bug, Love Bug, Bull Bug, Beanie Bull Bug, Juju Bean, Snuggle Bunny Love, and Music Dog because he brought all the music out in me to create songs for him.

On December 26, 2024 King left us at approximately 2PM in the afternoon. Same hospital as Schatzie and same time and both on a Thursday (Meshach as well but a different time for him). Now they are eternally together. We miss them both so much. King was the joy and peacemaker in our home and he left a HUGE void in the wake of his departure. We miss you SO much Little Man and as I always told you, we love you always and forever. Until we see each other again, run free, healthy and happy our wonderful bundle of joy!

All dogs go to heaven because dogs are naturally good and loyal and kind.” – Melba Moore as Whippet Angel in “All Dogs Go To Heaven

American Bully dog and his human praying together
King and Donnie praying

My Facebook Post on January 29, 2024:

“Hey everyone, I hope you had a blessed and joyful Christmas. Sadly, my husband Donnie and I did not. It is with great sorrow, that I tell you that we had to lay our beautiful, sweet, amazing, compassionate, loving, handsome, super smart, funny, American Bully boy King to rest the day after Christmas 2024. 

American Bully dog posing

King was Donnie’s heart dog so to say that he is heartbroken is an understatement. King left an emptiness in our home that is both tangible and as large as a Great Dane or Mastiff. He was absolutely one of the most beautiful souls I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing and living with in my life. I will be writing up a tribute to him soon to explain more as well as to bring a measure of healing to myself and to Donnie. I plan to create an ebook with all the stories of King I’ve written over the nearly 12 years we had him (he came to us on a chilly late winter day on February 24, 2013 at 13 months of age) – he would’ve been 13 on January 14, 2025 – for Donnie.

American bully dog
King asking me a question

We were certain he’d surpass that age but that wasn’t to be. The story is both surreal and also confirms what others have been teaching me over the years about the role of the animals in our lives. Hopefully when I get this all done, it will be a resource for other animal lovers and a way to give you hope and in the process live and BE well for THEIR sakes as much as for ours. King, aka my Bubby Boy, and Donnie’s Buddy Dude we miss him so very much it literally hurts. I have a LOT of nicknames for him and more to share. Thank you for those of you who shared this journey with us and had the immense pleasure of meeting or knowing our boy too. Godspeed Little Man, we miss you so very much that it’s nearly unbearable. You taught us so much and we’ll never forget you. Your little brother Ezra is stepping up to the plate but he misses you so very much too King. 

American Bully dog wearing sunglasses

 Run free, happy and healthy little man and let all our other dogs know how much we love them too. I bet you ran straight into the arms of Jesus and made him laugh! I’m certain Schatzie is also joyful at being reunited with you. Until we meet again our love, thank you for all you gave to our lives and home. We miss you SO much, but we love you always and forever as I always told you. It was definitely not long enough our love but we’re grateful for what we had with you no matter. We are so grateful to Mike Roberts for gifting you to us sweetheart as you blessed our lives so immensely!” ~Kim & Donnie Bloomer, King’s humans

Hugh Bassham, DVM (dear friend): I’m so sorry you had to put your dog down and I can understand you being heartbroken. The longer I was in practice the more this hurt me and I did all could to avoid it. 

This page will evolve so please stay tuned to it!

American Bully making a funny face
King asking the “what the heck is that” question

Betty Lewis, RVT, Dr. of Animal Naturopathy (long time friend): Kim & Donnie, I’m SO very sorry to hear you have lost, King. I know he was a very special dog. I, too, lost a special 13 year old this year, my last Whippet, Autumn, on Nov 23. It has been a sad year. Separately, I’ll send what I wrote about her, but this email is to express my sorrow over King.

All four of my brothers expressed their sorrow and condolences – sharing in the order given…

Hemming Jr: Awww Kim, I’m so sorry for your loss of King. How terrible the pain of saying goodbye to a beloved pet is. Sending love and light your way sis. Jerry: So sorry Kimmer, love you. Per: Oh man, Kim, I’m sorry to hear about King. We’ll keep you and Donnie in our prayers. You’ll see him again someday. Until then, stay strong. Jimmy: So sorry to hear this sister. Give Donnie a big hug and have Donnie give you a big hug from me and Roberta.


A man and his dog
Donnie & King, Day One

Beginning on December 29th when I posted to FB – some have been friends for years. Some I’ve had the pleasure of meeting in person either by them coming through my area, or at a Young Living Convention. Some are on my Young Living team. Some listened to our (mine and Dr. Jeannie Thomason’s) long running podcast Animal Talk Naturally. Some are former graduates of our American Council of Animal Naturopathy or current students or clients. Some friends in faith. Some cross over into multiple areas. Some into ALL of the above. Others are family members and local friends. ALL love animals and genuinely care about their health and well being. Donnie and I are blessed beyond measure by this outpouring of love for our “little” American Bully Boy, King.

Sarah Hatch Kreiner: “Oh Kim, I am so sorry. I can only imagine how much you will both miss him. Hugs for both you and Donnie.”

American Bully adoring his new human

Maggie Bell Putnam: Ohh Kim Bloomer I am SO very sorry. The only words of comfort I can give is the photo. Picture King in the arms of Jesus because we know that’s where he is. My heart is sad for you and Donnie and dear Ezra. Praying for comfort, peace and strength as you move ahead in the new year without your beloved King. (((( HUGS))))

Wendy Lovas: I am so, so sorry, Kim. Sending all my love to you and Donnie. 

Dee Karleskint: Sending hugs on this very sad day. Keep the cherished memories close and soon your tears will turn to smiles remembering the special moments you shared.

You'll Meet Me in the Light

Mirdza Hayden-Pavasars: I’m so sorry. Glad he got to celebrate Christmas one last time with you guys though. May God fill you with His peace as you mourn King’s absence

Tammy is Anointed: I’m so sorry Kim.

Lanice White: Oh Kim. I’m so, so sorry and so sad for you and Donnie. With tears streaming down my face, my heart is broken for you guys. Our pets love us in a way that can’t be explained except that it’s a love that could come only from God Himself. I pray Holy Spirit will bless you both and hold you fast in His great loving arms and fill you with His Shalom.  

Bre Altherr: I can’t add much more than what we’ve already discussed but just know that I love you guys and have been praying for you.

Rita Giorgio: Oh my Kim and Donnie, I’m so deeply sorry for your loss. King was an incredible soul who brought so much love and joy. Sending you and Donnie comfort and strength during this heartbreaking time. 

Lisa Murray: Oh Kim! 

Christie Crit Johnson: I’m so sorry! The absolute worst part of loving them so much is the having to say goodbye part. What a great life you gave him!

Angela Avoletta: I am so sorry to be reading this.

American Bully and Carolina Dog

Chris Altherr: Very sorry to hear the news.

Nina D’Acquisto Perona: Kim my heart breaks for you both. Gut wrenching pain. Love you!

Julie Goodwin: Kim, I am so very sorry to hear this news. I know what a special place King holds in both of your hearts. Hoping all the wonderful memories will help heal your hearts.

Carol Kanfield: I am so sorry for your loss Donnie & Kim … my heart breaks for you.

Carol Campisi: What a gift he was to you and Donnie, his star is shining brightly, sending special love to you at this difficult time.

American Bully dog thinking through some things
King pondering some things

Christopher Bloomer: I know all too well what it is like to lose a family. Praying for you both at this difficult time.

Olivia Landers Obermeyer: How hard. Prayers for your fam!

Carol Pickering Veilleux: Such a great loss, Is difficult. Praying for you all. So sorry….

Marti Conrad: Sitting here tears streaming, knowing your pain only too well. I’m so very sorry for both of you. Our animals live on, we just can’t see them. Love is eternal…

Donna Middleton: Kim I’m so sorry for your loss!  My deepest sympathy to you and your family, God be with you during your time of grief.

American Bully paw on human hand
King’s paw on my hand

Connie Dominy: I am so sorry to read this about your beloved King. I know you and Donnie miss him immensely. So does Ezra. The pain of the loss of one of your beloved creatures of God, is beyond words. I am so glad you had him in your lives for as long as you did. He was certainly a teacher for many who know you both. Thank you for sharing him with so many. My thoughts and prayers are with you all through this process.

Amy Ittner: No words can express my sorrow for your family. You and Donnie are the most loving parents to your dogs, and we know this pain all too well when it’s time to let go. I grieve with you! Please know that you all are in my heart and prayers.

Keryl Ashbach: I am so very sorry, Kim and Donnie. I will be keeping you both in my prayers. I so loved seeing your pictures and reading your stories about King. He was so very handsome! Blessings to you!!

Jesus Hugging Dog

Irene O’Connor: I am so very sorry to read this. Sending you and Donnie hugs & Love.

Connie Hachey: So, so sorry Kim! They are never with us long enough.

Teri Morocco-Tillaart: So very sorry for your loss Kim.  Sending lots of love and hugs to you and Donnie.

Priscilla Haynes: I am sorry for your loss. Our fur babies are such a great part of the family.

Aleks Mikic: So sorry for your loss.

dawn walks in NM
Donnie and King during our morning walk

Leslie Vornholt: Sending healing for your and Donnie’s hearts. Surrounding you in love and light!

Nolan Savage: We’re so sad to hear King is gone. Our fur babies leave the biggest holes in our hearts when they’re gone, but they never really are. Audrey and I love you both so much.

Sumner Davenport: I am so sorry for this deep loss! Prayers for you both.

Isabelle Belisle: Awwww Kim my deepest sympathies.  I loved hearing King’s stories in our courses and your podcasts and feeling his soul that way. My thoughts are with you.

Susan Van Allen: My heart goes out to you and Donnie, Kim.

American Bully with his Hawaiian lei
King owning that lei!

Linda Handshue: My sweet friends, I feel your pain and sadness and my heart is breaking for you both and Ezra….Safe Journey King. Hugs, prayers, and all my love Kim….

Fonda Rose: I’m so very sorry for your loss. That’s so tough. Prayers for healing and comfort for you both.

Brandy Johnson: So sorry for your loss.

Melissa Vrooman: Praying for you and King’s entire family left behind. So very sorry. What a blessing to have the experience of such an amazing companion that King was for your family. Light and love sent as you all navigate his physical presence now absent. I understand, hugs.

Beth Kidd: Oh Kim, I’m so very sorry for your loss.

American Bully dog posing

Teresa White Osborne: I am so sorry to see this. Prayers of comfort for you, Donnie and King’s fur siblings as I know they grieve as well. They do leave their pawprints on ours. Love you sister friend!

Cheryl York Olmstead: Oh no…I’m so, so sorry. He was a beautiful soul and happy that you shared him with us. My heart goes out to you both.

Krystal Beers: Oh no, I’m so very sorry Kim and Donnie. I understand your pain. Dogs touch our hearts and lives in ways we don’t even realize, sometimes not until they are gone. King has such a blessed life with you. Sending puppy kisses.

Mary Anne: I remember when he came into your life, such an incredible, beautiful soul. Please accept my deepest condolences, Kim and Donnie. Gentle journeys, King. You were so well-loved.

American Bully dog in backyard garden

Jennifer Marie: Nooooo I’m so sorry for your loss. My heart breaks for you guys. He was beautiful. Sending hugs and lots of love.

Dona Miller-Ruger: Oh no. I’m so sorry for you & Donnies loss. It is a terrible pain for anyone to go through. Dogs have such beautiful souls. Hugs to you.

Evelyn Kessinger: Oh, Kim! I’m so sorry! What an incredible boy he was in so many ways. Praying for you both, especially in these first days.

Dr. Erin O’Connor: So sorry to hear, Kim. King was very well loved.

American Bully singing

Willam Collins: Beautiful! Thanks for sharing Kim.

Melissa Mason: So very sorry for your loss. He is a beautiful dog and I’m always so sad when our time with our dogs comes to an end.

Diane West: So, so sorry. I can relate. My boy went home this month too. You gave him a happy life. Hugs.

Susan Stuter: Sincerely sorry for your loss. Wow honey you were able to have Christmas together. How precious. Many hugs and prayers.

Crystal Reid: Sincere condolences Kim and Donnie. 

Mike Roberts: Aww so sad to hear this but he couldn’t have gone to a more loving home than yours! Condolences!!!

Shannon Lauzon:Thinking of you both and sending you love and comfort.

Claudia Beutel: I am so sorry. The hardest part of sharing a life with a dog is the good bye.

Susan McCarthy: Handsome boy with a big heart.

Rachel Peterson Falcone: Oh, my goodness I am so sorry! Prayers for you both.

Lisa Bregnant: I’m so, so sorry.

Jeanne Oswald: So very sorry for all of you who loved him.

Suzanne Klein: My heart goes out to you and Donnie during this challenging time. May King’s memories live on forever.

Natalee Rose: I’m so sorry.

American bully lying next to human
King and I doing DOG-ilates together or DOG-lates.

Mary Merth: So sorry for your loss of your fur baby.

Brenda Utzerath: I am so very sorry Kim and Donnie. My heart keeps breaking for all who are doing our best, always better from what we learn and yet our beloveds aren’t living any longer, sometimes shorter than their conventionally raised counterparts. I’m just broken on behalf of us all. Godspeed King.

Diane Carter: Prayers for comfort and healing.

Debbie Davis: Prayers to you both on your loss.

Laurie Budziszewski Weber: I’m so sorry it was time for King to leave. They’re never with us long enough. I’ve loved the pictures of him over the years and the special connection he had with Donnie. My heart goes out to both of you. . Run free handsome King.

Terry Brown-Roy: So sorry for your loss.

Dogs waiting on breakfast

Faye Durham: I’m so sorry for your loss, Kim and Donnie. Love and prayers.

Sue Pelechaty: I am sorry for the news Kim

Kathy Lacey: I’m continuing to send healing hugs to you, Donnie and Ezra. Much love my friend…

Dr. Sarah Reagan: Run free King! You were, and are, very much loved!

Carol Pickering Veilleux: Such a great loss, Is difficult. Praying for you all. So sorry….

American Bully dog

Marcia Maier: Oh, Kim I am so very, very sorry my heart is breaking for you and Donnie.

Elissa Hambright: Such sad news-I’m so sorry for your loss-Sending love and hugs.

Connie Dominy: I am so sorry to read this about your beloved King. I know you and Donnie miss him immensely. So does Ezra. The pain of the loss of one of your beloved creatures of God, is beyond words. I am so glad you had him in your lives for as long as you did. He was certainly a teacher for many who know you both. Thank you for sharing him with so many. My thoughts and prayers are with you all through this process.

Jerri Marie: One of life’s most difficult pains to carry. I’m so very sorry for your loss.

Kim Chandler Wolf: I’m so very sorry.

Carole Milligan: Heart to heart hugs from me to you, dear friend. We know the heartache all too well, don’t we?

Debbie Douglas: Oh noooo, I’m heartbroken for Kings passing. He really was a beautiful boy. Sending big hugs and love your way. I’m so very sorry.

King the American Bully napping

Jasmine: I am so sorry for your loss. May the sweet memories be a soothing balm to your soul as you mourn his loss on the physical plane.

Cathy Reinl: Kim & Donnie I am so very sorry for your loss, it never gets easier especially when it’s your heart dog, sending you peace, light and love through this tragic loss.

Erica Danow: Kim and Donnie, I am so, so sorry to hear the news about King. I remember when you got him. Hugs to the both of you as well as Ezra.

American Bully hiding face in blanket
King dealing with the day lol.

Janice L. Gribben: I am so sorry for your loss, sweetie! 

Anna Glomski: Oh Kim, I’m so sorry. 

Lorin Grow: So sorry Kim. I lost a kid a few years ago on Christmas Eve. It feels like an added insult for some reason. Certainly, we think about it every Christmas Eve. Sending you love and light.

Debbie Doyle: OOOMMMGGGGG Kim..!!!!!!! I’m SOOOOOOOOOO sorry about King. There are no words to help your hearts… if love could have saved him, he would have lived forever.

Abbie Withers: Bless you King for the joy and love you brought to Kim and Donnie, you are forever in their hearts, so fondly held.

American Bully puppy

Lisa Frances Chociej: ohhh Kim Bloomer, Donnie, and Ezra… I’m so very,very sorry for this loss  Praying for y’all. 

Dr. Patricia Borstel: I wish you and Donnie much strength. Rest in peace King.

Trish Kelley: Oh Kim Bloomer, I’m so very sorry for your loss, I can’t even put into words what I’m feeling except I have a huge lump in my throat that I can’t even swallow .. I so remember King, he was such a beautiful boy and you were so very fortunate to have him in your life.. that’s how I came to love my next door neighbors pitty.. she was a rescue… I had a friend make a stuffed replica of her for a Christmas present… it’s done out of felt… and she loved it… these are the most precious dogs… I pray for love and peace for both you and Donnie through this whole ordeal.. God Bless you for being Kings mommy….

American Bully dog playing with Puller ring
King having a tuggie fight with Donnie

Summer Shaw Palmer: I’m so sorry to hear this my dear friend. Dogs mean so much to us and I know to well the hurt that comes with losing them. We also know the enormous amount of joy and lessons they brought to us. 

Debbie Benson: I’m so sorry to hear Kim and Donnie My heart goes out to you both. And Ezra.

Kerrie Ney Hoover: Oh geez Kim! I am so sorry. I feel awful for Donnie.

Cynthia Holloway: I’m so sorry, Kim. My deepest condolences to you and your family.

Madonna Raven Sadie: So sorry for your loss Kim and Donnie, King blessed us all even though I never got to meet him I loved seeing all your posts about him over the years. Truly heartbreaking but yes he is free now.

Joie DeFayette: Oh, Kim! I’m so sorry for you and Donnie!

American Bully dog in field

Jerri Marie: One of life’s most difficult pains to carry. I’m so very sorry for your loss.

Cynthia Holloway: I’m so sorry, Kim. My deepest condolences to you and your family.

Kelly Quinn Diggs: So very sorry.

Abbie Withers: Bless you King for the joy and love you brought to Kim and Donnie, you are forever in their hearts, so fondly held.

American Bully dog playing tuggie

Kerri Piazza Mahan: So sorry for the loss of your lil man… what a beautiful tribute Kim. Thinking of you.

Jane Gordon: Hugs Donnie and Kim and Ezra.

Mea Bishop: Oh Kim so sorry to read this My prayer for you both is that the emptiness felt with the passing of your precious King will flow in unexpected ways to help you in your grieving.

Deirdre O’Malley: Oh Kim and Donnie….. Words fail me. I’m sorry isn’t enough. I understand your heartache over the loss of your King. He always stayed a pup or young dog in my mind. I’m so sorry he’s gone.

My American Bully and I
The King and I

Missy Camp Anderson: My heart is right beside you Kim. These angels are never with us long enough – but leave us with a great ability to love.

Karen Cox: Oh no I’m so sorry…thank you for giving him a blessed life.

Gretta M-Kitten: Grief is so hard, but is a result of loving so deeply. So sorry for your loss.

Shelly Marie Dollar Witt: Kim!!!! I’m so sorry. He was such a magnificent boy!  I’m so sorry.

Barb McKee: So very sorry to hear about your loss of such a lovely, loving boy. Time has a way of healing, the memories go on forever.Bless your hearts…We feel your pain.

Alexi Bracey: So sorry for your loss Kim. The angels up at Rainbow Bridge wanted me to tell you that King is singing your praises “as the best mom ever!” to all his new friends.

Melissa Ondreas Vega: I’m so sorry for your loss.

Debby Bristow: Oh Kim, I’m deeply sorry for your loss.  King was a shining star and his love and light will continue to guide you, Donnie, and Ezra.

American Bully breed on a rainy day
King’s rainy day response

Leslie Selfridge: I’m so sorry for your loss of your precious boy King. They leave us with big holes in our hearts. May our Lord give you strength & peace in His mighty way. Upholding you both in prayer. Absent in the body is to be present in the Lord.

Ann Echols: Oh I am so very sorry, Kim and Donnie. There are no words to express the deepness of my sympathy. He was so loved. His soul will live forever.

Celeste Lynne Ewing Lawson: I’m so sorry for your loss. Run free King, you were so loved,

Evelyn Smith Rivard: Fly high King. Shared the Kindest Souls Meme

Mari Gonzales: Oh no!  I am so sorry Kim, he was such a handsome boy.

Dee Broton: Oh Kim so very sorry for your loss. Heaven is blessed to have received another wonderful bully. Sending u lots of love & light!

American Bully dog eating an RMB

Micheline Druyts: So sorry for your loss.

Susan Cornell Hughes: So sorry.

Heather Crawford: Oh Kim and Donnie I’m so sorry for your loss.. praying for you during this difficult time.

Bailey-Grace Sawyer: I am so sorry, keeping y’all in our prayers.

Carole Laurencelle Baldwin: Oh Kim and Donnie and Ezra. I’m so very sorry to be reading this news. I am heartbroken for all of you. King had an amazing life with you and Donnie, he knew how loved he was. Fly high with your new wings King.

When You've Loved a Dog

Joyce Salazar: I am so very sorry for your loss. My deepest condolences to you and Donnie. 

Susan Fraser: I’m so sorry for your loss, Kim and Donnie. How heartbreaking no matter their age. He will be waiting for you.

Donna Jackson: Ohhhh Kim and Donnie I’m so very sorry. My heart is broken with you in your loss of King. Prayers for our Lord to replace your sorrow with sweet memories.

Jen McCloskey: I’m so sorry.

Jennifer Estrada: My heart breaks for you so much. Sending all the love your way.

Kathleen Marshall: I’m so sorry.

American Bully dog on his chair

Joy Eriksen: Oh no, I am so sorry. It really has been a rough year.

Belinda Hoosech: I’m so sorry.  They are never with us long enough. Having recently lost my Andy, I understand how each dog brings its own lesson and personality to your life. And how often we don’t recognize the full gift until they’re gone.

Laurie Dawson: So sorry.

Claudia Garcia: Omg Kim I am so sorry to hear about King! My heart breaks for you guys. Sending so much love your way.

Lisa Baughn: I am so, so sorry. Praying for you two.

American Bully dog and Carolina Dog hanging out together

Joan Palecek Connors: Sending love.

Kim Gaull McIntire: I’m so sorry.

Jytte Smith: So sorry for your loss Kim, and Donnie, from Jytte in the UK.

Carol Johnson: Thinking of you… Know your heartache. I am so very sorry for your loss.

Elle Harris: So very sorry Kim. It never gets easier, it gets harder. So heartbreaking. Prayers and hugs to you both.

King in reflection

Inez Wilson: I know this heart /gut crushing crushing pain….It’s been over 2 years,and I still can’t stop the questioning.. I’m really trying. Thinking of you at this time of sorrow…..

Glenda Blucher: I’m so sorry.

Kymythy Schultze, Jasmine Altman, Mary McKee, and Melody Lindell posted condolence memes

Alishia M. Alibhai: I’m so sorry. Sending hugs.

Barbara Adams Kimmons: I’m so very sorry Kim & Donnie. RIP King.

Keli Muao: I’m so sorry for your loss.

American Bully dog relaxing in front of fireplace

Michelle Hillier: So sad to see this, what a fortunate boy he was to have landed in your lap heartbreaking, so sorry.

Judith Miller: So sorry Kim.


@alwaysacharlieparty: “So sorry to hear this.”

Jean (@auntieangeldesigns): “I’m so, so sorry to hear this Dr. Kim and Donnie. I remember when he came into your lives. We could see what a special boy hee was and bestest family member. And so handsome. Thinking of you.”

American Bully dog needing attention

Melinda (@dogdandygrooming): Oh my, that’s gotta be hard. I feel for you both and understand that feeling of emptiness. It will take a long time to get over that feeling. The love King gave you both is something you can keep close to your hearts. The memories will always be sweet and the lessons learned will always guide you. All my love to you both!

Cindee Herndon (@cindeeherndon: “I am sorry for your loss. We lost our pet just before Christmas. We had him for 14 years and I can finally talk about him without sobbing. Time heals but our fur babies will never be forgotten. Blessings and healing vibes coming your way.”

The Moment You Died

Anita Costa ( “Oh Kim, I am so so sad for you, Donnie, and Ezra. I am so so sorry, my beautiful friend. Sending you all of my love, hugs, and prayers. Run free sweet, handsome King. “

Sarah Hatch Kreiner (@yleoiler): “Kim and Donnie, I am so sorry, I know how much King was part of your family. Hugs my friend.”

Janice Gribben (@janilynn23): “So sorry my friends!!!”

Pat Casson (@spcelangel): “I’m so sorry for the loss of your baby King.”

Jennifer Selph (@jennismash): “My deepest condolences to you and Donnie.”

Cheryl Ahlers (@cherylahlers):  “I’m so sorry.”

Mike Roberts (who gifted King to us in 2013 -@cheerfulclosings): “Condolences my friends.”

Sadie’s Select Raw Pet Food (@sadiesselectpeetfood): “So sorry.” 

Amy Ittner (@airinabq): “I am so sorry.”

And others…

American bully dog
King asking me a question

Alicia Hamilton: “I truly believe that we see them again in Heaven. Prayers to you and your husband for comfort and praise for the joy he brought to your lives. They are truly a gift from above.”

Janet Geren: “I’m truly sorry for your loss, I know how hard it is…I also believe we will see all our critters one day…hugs and prayers for your heart. I lost my Bunnee on 9/11/2023 and I’m still grieving. There is no closure, he had a seizure and died in my arms, he was such a special little guy.”

Cynthia Vogel: “I am so sorry for your loss, it never is easy. Lots of love, hugs and prayers.”

Ashley Woosley: “Oh my goodness, I am so terribly sorry to hear this Dr. Kim Bloomer. Praying for peace & comfort over you in this time.”

Dr. Sarah Reagan: “It was a mutual blessing for all that King came into your lives, for however much time there was.”

Meaghan McCarthy (animal naturopathy candidate): “I’m so sorry for the broken hearts. I had to say goodbye to my girl a little over a year ago & I still cry from missing her at times. My heart is so sad for your household. I imagine him running w/ Jesus, free of pain & full of JOY! The love they give is irreplaceable. I’m so glad you got to have him for the time that you did, it’s goodbye for now. *hugs*”

Sally Good: “I’m so very sorry for your loss. It’s especially hard to lose them or loved ones at such a joyful time. I lost 2 cats last year, 4 months apart. It is really hard. If they go to Heaven, we will have a very happy reunion. If they are not there, I know I will be so taken up with what is there that I won’t realize they aren’t there.”

King's Farewell

Book gifted to us by our very dear friend and artist, Barbara Hilford – it’s an incredible year and so lovely!

Until we meet again our love! Thank you Bre & Chris Altherr for sending us these photos of King in the beautiful frames – we love and treasure you both as our forever friends!

King, our darling boy, while we miss you SO very much, we know we’ll meet again in eternity our beautiful, precious, amazing boy, we love you always and forever!!!

Dogs die. But dogs live, too. Right up until they die, they live. They live brave, beautiful lives. They protect their families. And love us, and make our lives a little brighter, and they don’t waste time being afraid of tomorrow.” – Dan Gemeinhart, author of “The Honest Truth

If you have a dog, you will most likely outlive it; to get a dog is to open yourself to profound joy and, prospectively, to equally profound sadness.” – Marjorie Garber, author of “Shakespeare After All

Romans 8:18–21: “I consider that our present sufferings are not comparable to the glory that will be revealed in us. The creation waits in eager expectation for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not by its own will, but because of the One who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God.

I believe we are going to see the saints of God mount up with wings as eagles! We are going to walk in the reality (truth) of who God has created us to be in Christ Jesus. As He is, so are we in this world! ~Andrew Whalen, We Will Mount Up on Wings Like Eagles


BAD-itude or BUBBA-tude?

Barking, Howling, Quail-Call Zoomies!

My King & I

Buddy Dude