This website is dedicated to my teacher dogs, Fridge, Shadrach and Meshach as well as my current two dogs, King and Schatzie. This page is in honor of them and all the dogs who came before them. (Portrait by my good friend, artist extraordinaire, Barbara Hilford).
The first three dogs, Fridge, Shadrach, and Meshach are the reason I took the status quo blinders off so I could learn what real, true health is – for their sakes and for any other animals whose humans decide to also take the blinders off and step into the reality of real, true health. The truth is out there if you choose to receive it.
Fridge and Shadrach’s full stories are written in my book, Animals Taught Me That. Meshach’s has not been written yet as the wounds from his short life and his loss are still too fresh and painful for me to write. I have Memorial Pages for both Shadrach and Meshach since I have led a public life online during their lives. Fridge’s memory lives on in my own and in the lives of those who knew him.
Fridge, my second Golden Retriever (Trumps was my first and her story is in my book), came to me as an eight week old puppy and I was immediately smitten. He suffered from petit mal seizures his entire life of nearly thirteen years following his first rabies vaccine. I did not connect the dots until after he passed away. But he cracked the door open into God’s health care plan mandated in nature. I began organic gardening and stopped using indoor pesticides as well thanks to Fridge. I suspected those were triggers for his seizures and I was of course right about that. In addition to all the vaccines, kibble, and so-called “prevention” medications against heartworm, fleas and ticks ALL were contributors to his seizures and ultimately his demise. I didn’t know then but have since learned the truth. He was such a character and very loving dog. And very patient waiting for me to learn. I didn’t learn in his lifetime but I am forever grateful to him for cracking open the door. Fridge, you were so beautiful and kind Fridge…my heart shattered when you left. Good thing Shadrach came along to help mend me and blend me into a whole new person.
Shadrach, my Neapolitan Mastiff, slammed through the door and opened it wider than wide! He is the reason I became a blogger, writer, animal naturopath, podcast host and co-founder of the American Council of Animal Naturopathy. To think I wasn’t sure I even wanted him at first! His story is told in several places in my book, Animals Taught Me That. While he wasn’t the largest dog in my life (my Danes were), he had the largest presence of any dog I have ever had the pleasure to share my life with. He was THE best teacher and THE best heart dog anyone could ask for. While he wasn’t perfect (who is?) he was perfect for me. He taught me so very much, that I could write volumes about him!!! Shadrach, you were larger than life and left a Mastiff sized hole in my heart (which Meshach overfilled for the short time he was here). I will miss you forever my hug lovey. Bark N Blog has not been the same since you left. Visit Shadrach’s Memorial Page HERE
Since the age of eighteen, Great Danes have been my breed of choice. I was so blessed to have the most gorgeous, show quality fawn Great Dane named Leben who I showed for a short time and only had for a short time in my life. Leben’s sad story is told in my book, Animals Taught Me That. When beautiful brindle Meshach was offered to me by my friend Kim Felix of SisCo Danes, I jumped at the chance to have another Great Dane in my life. He came into it four months after losing Shadrach and brought the canine joy back into my heart. Meshach also changed my life forever. He served a spiritual purpose in my life (a story I hope I one day have the courage to share) in addition to teaching me all about seizures and what I believe to be their primary cause. Meshach’s life was short but he lived it to the fullest, with joy, sweetness and kindness. He didn’t have a mean bone in his body and made friends, human and canine, wherever he went. Some of his story will be found on the blog (in time as I get the posts moved from my other blogs before closing them). With such sorrow on a warm September day, we (my husband and I) said goodbye to our baby boy. Meshach, my heart still aches each time I think of you. I nearly quit doing this work because I felt like I had failed you. With the strength of my Savior, I was able to crawl back out of the darkness your loss left. In the wake of your loss, new insights have come to me as I continue to search and research better ways to help all dogs, including those with seizures. And God was so kind to bring me not one but TWO new dogs to take up new spaces in my heart so it wouldn’t sag with the emptiness of your loss. I love you forever my sweet Micky Picky. Visit Meshach’s Memorial Page HERE
I love you all, always and forever!!!
And now to my current dog, King my American Bully and Schatzie my Carolina Dog(she passed away January 10, 2019) you are my joy, laughter and treasures for as long as you are here! I know that because both of these dogs are of a more feral, wild nature – King because of being a kennel dog until six months of age and apparently not handled much or taught our human ways as much as he ought to have been, and Schatzie because of her breed, that I am privileged to be learning of the more wild, feral, carnivore nature of our canines. Meshach taught me about stalking as he played a very carnivore game with us we called the Stalking Game as you will see in some blog posts as they are added here. While none of this is really new to any of us who have and live with dogs, experiencing their more feral side can give you much more respect for their wild, predator, carnivore nature.
I am so blessed to have known and to know these amazing, special dogs. I am so grateful for all God has taught and continues to teach me through them. While the Great Dane continues to be my breed of choice, I am also very grateful and feel really privileged to be experiencing these different dog breeds, the characteristics thereof, and their true natures.
Dr. Kim Bloomer
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