It’s that time of year when flowers are blooming, birds are chirping, and bees are buzzing…or is it? The sad fact is that over the last few years bees all over the world have been disappearing. It is evident that we need to support and encourage bee populations if we desire this planet and all that exists within it to continue.
There was a popular song when I was a child that’s lyrics included, “let me tell you about the birds and the bees, and the flowers and the trees, and the moon up above…and a thing called love.” I always liked that song because it was a happy little tune and I thought it was interesting that it was about animals and nature. I didn’t know the underlying implications of it until I was older.
And little did most of us know the immense implications of that song pertaining to the very sustenance of the earth in something as small as the bees. As a child I was afraid of them because I seemed to get stung so often. As an adult I have learned to be calm around them and respect them so they can do their work and not interfere with them. We have done enough damage as it is.

In fact, due to all the pesticides, herbicides, GMOs and other human contrivances that are disrupting the natural ecology needed to sustain this earth, the bees have been steadily on the decline. Without them and other winged creatures to pollinate things, we won’t have much in the way of agriculture at all if we don’t stop all this toxic madness. It seems the only thing that is being focused on is how to use more chemicals for the big ag companies to profit. There is nothing sustainable about any of that.
So what can we do? Every step each of us takes has a ripple effect. The following article on what to plant to do your part is outlined simply, elegantly and visually for you: 12 New Bee Supporting Plants to Plant This Year. Make sure the plants you purchase are only grown organically and are NON-GMO.

That is one small step. Secondly stop using pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers. Their are endless resources which can help you maintain a balance in your own environment naturally once you let go of trying to poison nature and allow it to support itself…naturally.
Years ago I stopped using all of toxic chemicals and began using organic fertilizer specifically created for the area I live in – the desert southwest. This type of fertilizer will encourage proper growth that can sustain itself through our hot, dry summers. One of our neighbors was recently marveling over our wild, natural yards amazed at the plant growth.
Secondly I began allowing the ecosystem to balance itself. Ladybugs, Preying Mantis, lacewings, ants, many types of spiders, rollie pollies, etc. – all help to keep the aphids and other undesirables in check as well as the actual environment itself.
I also plant primarily plants that are indigenous to our area. I allow the native bugs to keep themselves in balance. I don’t kill off what is deemed unsavories. Ants have their role as do all other bugs. I live in harmony as much as possible with nature which makes my work far less than my neighbors who are still determined to FIGHT nature.
If we have an infestation of something we attend to it using only natural methods. It has taken a few years to get this balance but organic gardening is all about patience. I also let go of the need for the “perfect” yards. I simply focus on healthy and natural. The more you learn about all of this the more you’ll be amazed such as the plants that have some “bites” and imperfections in them from being “attacked” actually are stronger as a result and the food plants are more nutritious! All those “perfect” foods we see in the supermarkets might look pretty but they are most often very nutrient void.
Here is a simple quote that explains it rather well in my opinion:
“There are mushrooms (fungi) which grow on dead or half-dead tree trunks. Their job is to clean up these tree trunks. If nature were really reckless, wouldn’t the fungi in their appetite for destruction clean up the entire forest? Did you ever wonder why that rose bush in your garden is eaten by lice and the plant next to it isn’t? If insects were that gluttonous, pretty soon you wouldn’t have much of a garden left! You may choose to spray the lice with some chemical substance that kills everything in its path and in the short term, that will do the trick. It won’t make your rose bush much healthier, though, because now it also has toxins to deal with. Or you can choose not to concentrate on the lice but instead on the plant’s health by administering the roots and the soil the proper nutrients. Eventually the lice will decide to move on to another weak plant and your reward will be the most beautiful roses. Read the article in its entirety: Understanding the True Meaning of Disease by Mike Donkers
If we each do some due diligence we CAN make a difference. I invite you to join me…because it truly is all about a thing called love after all.
Some extra information that also matters and shows how everything as Einstein said is vibration:
Some Resources to Get You Started:
PHOTO ATTRIBUTION: By J-Luc (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons.

Kim Bloomer, V.N.D., N.D. is an animal naturopath as well as being certified in small animal nutrition, with years of experience in animal wellness. Dr. Kim is a published author, writer, and blogger. Subscribe to her DOGgone Newsletter for updates or to her blog via email. Copyright ©2005-2025 Aspenbloom Pet Care, Dr. Kim Bloomer, All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the Author/Publisher. This article is intended to be educational. However, it is not intended to be a substitute for diagnosis or treatment from a qualified animal health professional. Dr. Kim Bloomer and Aspenbloom Pet Care, do not assume any legal responsibility for misuse of the products discussed in this article. The only essential oils referenced on this website are Young Living.