This is a dog blog is it not, so what is this about a new thing or a new sound? I’m glad you asked. With my noise reactive dog Ezra (my Carolina Dog) sound has been more a focus of mine than with any other previous dog. Here’s the interesting thing – I’m noise reactive myself. In fact, one of my dreams is to have a place way out in the boonies (mountains, near water is the dream) with lots of greenery, pure fresh air, no construction sounds of a growing city, a small community nearby, living a rural life. That would work well for us and our dogs. Interestingly enough, I’ve been delving into this topic of vibrational wellness, frequencies, sound, music healing, etc., for about ten years now. I began learning about frequencies in conjunction with essential oils through Young Living thought beginning in 2005. I’ve gone deeper as well as higher in the process. Ezra helped escalate it all of course. I have a new course titled, “All Creation Sings: The Sound of Heaven” which is a bonus course in our new Holistic American Pet Academy that really goes into this whole subject. I’ll touch on that a bit more later in this post. Back to the topic of a new thing and a new sound…
Four years ago shortly after Ezra arrived, I was spending LOTS of time outside with him as he explored everything and basically uprooted any plant he had access to lol. During that time I was in a transition period as well as dealing with a new puppy. It was exciting for our older boy King (our American Bully) but tiring for me and my husband as Ezra has always been at least two handfuls hahaha! I had a lot of time to pray and talk with God during that time which was the best part. I asked Him what I was to do now that Jeannie and I had closed our online distance learning school in animal naturopathy and shut down our LONG running podcast, Animal Talk Naturally. He responded in the most gentle yet excited voice, “I’m doing a NEW thing!” I was responded with, “Great! What does that mean?” LOL I was slow on the uptake because He meant for the entire world not just for me…and yes we’re seeing that unfold in ways we never thought we’d see or experience…and we ain’t seen nothing yet! It doesn’t feel or seem so great right now but ultimately it will be – how long from now only He knows. God usually responds through scripture so I’ve learned when I get a response like this to look it up in scripture. His response to me is from Isaiah 43:19, ESV: “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”
The new thing, the new sound is the Sound of Heaven! It’s no wonder I was pressed to focus on that and begin doing audios on my podcast about this new thing, this new sound shortly after He said this to me. The Sound of Heaven won’t be the noisy cacophony of dissonant sound we’ve come to expect here on earth. No, it is a beautiful harmonious sound that brings us into vibrational harmony right down to every cell in our bodies, to every thought in our minds, to synchronicity in our spirits! How do I know since I’ve not ever been there? I know because it is in His word and we are in the process of the prayers of two thousand years of “on earth as it is in heaven” being achieved!!!
As Pete Garza wrote in his article: I Heard the Lord Say: The Marching Has Begun, “In this vision, as this sound went forth, the vibration it created brought an awakening and gathered in the harvest. The earth began to respond to the sound! The vibration was the earth recognizing the sons of God!” In Romans 8 (my manifesto), verse 19 states “All creation groans in anticipation of the revealing of the sons of God.” Just for the record (that means sons and daughters). It’s so cool to read this as I did an entire podcast on this topic titled “The Sound of ROAR” which is now in my new course that I mentioned at the beginning of this blog post.
Why am I sharing this? Because this will be what triumphs over so much of the rampant and overt evil happening in our world today. It may seem like that wouldn’t be enough or do anything. However, let’s pause for a moment and think on this. If it wouldn’t be enough, why then would the counterfeit be trying to change all the frequencies and sounds in the world now? 5G, music tuned to dissonant frequencies, fear-mongering in every newscast and every advertisement on earth. Negativity abounding. How do we counter that? WITH THE TRUTH. With the Sound of Heaven which is the New Sound coming to this earth. We counter it with good vibrations, entraining our hearts to His. What does that mean? Here’s a great graphic I’ve used a lot that helps us understand what musicians have known for millennia.
Now imagine, ONLY the frequency of LOVE reverberating throughout this earth? Bringing all the plants, water, land, animals, air, back into the proper harmony and doing likewise in our bodies. HEALING on a massive scale. You can think I’ve lost my mind or I’m living in the clouds. That’s okay, I know I’m not out of my mind, I’m just out of yours! I’m pressing in for this because all the natural modalities in the world, all the remedies, all the treatments, etc., etc., won’t come close to this New Sound coming to the earth. Now that’s what I call healing and that’s what I’m pressing in for – not just for my own family and animals, but for any who will join in.
I hope to have my new course as part of a private subscription within my current podcast in the near future as well as within the school. Lastly, my podcast, the DOGgone Truth, has been re-launched in this month with new material and a tighter focus on transformation since that’s what Truth does. Animal Talk Naturally material that is not in my new school (nor will it be) will be added to the private subscription for those who prefer to learn on the fly rather than in a school setting – the school is audio as well just so you know but on the Raising Royalty platform. I’ll post here when that’s available until then friends, Vibrate Higher and BE well!
Until next time…
Have a PAWSitively, tail waggin’, NATUROPATHICALLY HIGH vibration day!
Kim Bloomer, V.N.D., N.D. is an animal naturopath as well as being certified in small animal nutrition, with years of experience in animal wellness. Dr. Kim is a published author, writer, and blogger. Subscribe to her DOGgone Newsletter for updates or to her blog via email. Copyright ©2005-2025 Aspenbloom Pet Care, Dr. Kim Bloomer, All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the Author/Publisher. This article is intended to be educational. However, it is not intended to be a substitute for diagnosis or treatment from a qualified animal health professional. Dr. Kim Bloomer and Aspenbloom Pet Care, do not assume any legal responsibility for misuse of the products discussed in this article. The only essential oils referenced on this website are Young Living.
This is so exciting, Dr. Kim! Praise the Lord that he is doing a NEW THING! And I cannot wait to see healing on a massive scale.
Thank you my precious friend! I’m with you!!! LOVE YOU!!!