White Light, in Whom I delight, every day and night. Black Knight, Fierce Seer in the Night, receive the White Light. ~Kim Bloomer
The Spiritual Allegory
There was something lurking within the Fierce Seer, aka the Black Knight. She wasn’t certain what it was but suspected ancestry damage – passed down distorted cell memory and DNA damage. Funny how modern science finally catches up to all the Truth in scripture eventually while denying Its Presence and Truth.
She was learning more about that with each subsequent canine. Learning that due to generations of the lurking evil breaking into their bodies through a Trojan horse, passing distortion after distortion with each generation. BUT GOD – He can and does change everything. He is THE White Light. He gave her the recitation anointing for the Fierce Seer. She wasn’t noticing much other than the calming until most recently. Teaching her to wait. To trust. To believe. To receive.
Fierce Seer knew that she was often angry but he never understood why. He felt certain desires to do what She said was damage to things. To eat non-food things. He didn’t know why, he’s still so young. He just knows he is compelled. When She began to anoint him at night, at first he was repulsed. It was a powerful scent to him – after all canines have such a powerful scent ability. He “sees” through his nose. Because of that he also scented her displeasure with his behavior. He scented her repulsion at times. He doesn’t understand why, all he knows is that he loves her. He soon learned – before she even acknowledged it – that it had to do with the Striped Ambassador who came before Attitude Adjuster and Beauty Queen. He scented fear. He had to show Her how much he loved Her as God commanded him to do and in doing so, how much God loves Her. So no matter her attitude, his love is always shining through his eyes. He noticed, that She noticed.
Why does Fierce Seer love me so, She pondered. She isn’t always so enthused with him and even at times downright angry at the entire situation. He’s so beautiful, so sweet, so smart but he’s broken inside she reflected. But She knew why – Striped Ambassador. Why another like Striped Ambassador God? And this one with so much energy that it often overpowered Her in his youthful exuberance. God responded without much explanation, “Just love him. I have a lesson here for you. Do you trust Me?” Why do you keep asking me that Lord like you did Your Apostle Peter if he loved You? He responded with, “because you’ve been afraid. Don’t be afraid. You are learning, receive, believe, TRUST.” She DUG in like Fierce Seer does to the yard, to learn what the REAL meaning of Trust is. She’s glad she did. She learned it is about abiding in God under the Shadow of His wing, protected, surrounded, embraced. It’s not hard to love Fierce Seer She thought, it’s just hard sometimes to not be able to “fix” him so he can have a much better life!
Wow thought Fierce Seer, She’s getting it! He’s so happy because he just wants Her to be happy like he is just as he is. He loves Her. She loves him. The world is right no matter what is wrong. God has got this!
Allegory to continue….
Did you know?
“White light focused through a prism can create a laser beam that can cut through steel“. Dr. Joseph Peck (MD) shared this in his class that I’m currently participating in, Uncommon Journaling for Divine Destiny.
The Temporal Story that Manifested the Allegory
Did you know that everything in life is vibration? Albert Einstein said that. Nikola Tesla said something similar. You see, God is Love, He is Light, and He is Life. Light is SOUND at a much higher frequency. Matter (the physical/temporal/earthly existence) is SOUND at a much lower frequency. When we vibrate in tune with God’s frequency, then we are in that laser focused White Light releasing His resurrection power in this world!
Listen to the SOUND of His Presence on this beautiful video by Jackie Baker:
This is called “Soaking” music – soaking in the Presence of the White Light, the White Knight, Jesus Messiah.
In Rabbi Jonathan Cahn’s Book of Mysteries, Day 76, he titles that day as “Beyond the Speed of Light. In it he writes about how everything we see now is past. We basically live in the past in the temporal. All light is seen only as the past. An echo is simply the sound from the past. A moment ago is the past. He says we don’t even really see the stars because it takes LIGHT years for that light to reach us. We think we’re seeing the present but we’re only ever seeing the past. The question posed in this devotional then is that we can never see Truth. The response from the Master in the book is, “not with your eyes, as it is beyond sound and light.” The only way to see Truth he explains is to see without sight. I’ll get more into that in the next blog post. This isn’t meant to be esoteric, but a journey into love, light, life, and truth of which I’m journeying with you…Ezra has been the catalyst for me to learn this. I thought I knew and I’m finding out we are always just scratching the surface unless we decide to go DEEPER…deep calls unto deep, Psalm 42:7. The Deep is calling, do you hear Him? When we soak in the Presence of the White Light we will. Love is the conduit. Remember that and we’ll come back to this next time.
One essential oils company (the only one we ever use) has an occasional offering of a blend of essential oil called, “White Light“. It is one of the most powerful essential oil blends I’ve ever had the pleasure to experience! It is one I’ve used regularly with my Carolina Dog puppy, Ezra (Black Knight aka Fierce Seer) who has suffered from epigenetic vaccinosis. I know now why this helps calm him and help him as he goes through detoxifying the cell memory of those very damaging vaccines (the Trojan horse) in his blood line. It has several oils in it such as white cedar (the equivalent in homeopathy is Thuja which is often used in helping to facilitate vaccine detox).
This oil blend is so laser focused it cuts through our emotional and mental barriers allowing the True Light, THE White Light (Yeshua) to cut through the steel barriers of our emotional blockages to bring healing to us! I’m certain it does similar for our dogs (other animals too I’m sure but I’ve only ever experienced it with my two dogs).
My puppy Ezra, the Black Knight (he’s mostly black in color), Fierce Seer in the Night, gets his name from a very brave and bold priest and prophet seer in the Bible. To be quite candid if I had a do over in choice of dog or puppy or if I’d known I was getting a Velociraptor I’d have waited for an older or at least a mature dog. Calmer, settled, mature dog. I also KNOW he’s teaching me something I apparently need to learn. It’s been hard for this person set in her ways. At any rate, he’s needed a lot of things including confidence building and I am NOT the best dog trainer by a country mile. However, I’ve invested in learning and also just building my relationship with him (never perfectly though – two steps forward one back often it seems). In spite of it all, this puppy has really bonded to me AND I to him, even when I feel I’m greatly lacking (which is almost always). Maybe that’s part of the point.
My husband is the more patient one. He does their food prep. He interacts with them a lot and often in a calmer fashion but I’m learning. Yet Ezra is my boy. I don’t know why…that’s a beautiful mystery to me about animals. I’m sure it’s yet another reason why I am so attracted to them – they keep stretching me out of my comfort zone. So in addition to spending more time working with Ezra (and in the process I get more exercise which is always a plus), I decided to begin using just 3 blends (through a little trial and error) with him beginning in October of 2019 after we got him and at Christmastime is when this white light blend is normally available from what I understand.
I was using only one drop of each oil blend per day on Ezra. In the morning before our morning outing I would put a drop of the first one in my hand, activate it, then apply a bit to me and then rub it up his back and into his head (there is a reason I do it that way as he has other issues that aren’t due to training but epigenetic as I stated previously). After our workout when I make him (yes, he isn’t one to sleep well or long – another anomaly in him), go into his crate to rest if not sleep while we get showered, etc. He isn’t called VelociPuptor by me for nothing. At that time I do the same thing using the 2nd blend. Then at night before bed, I apply the white light blend to him and within a couple of minutes he is always calm and asleep in his crate. I decided one evening to simply try it on him and that was the response I got from him.
We’ve had him since he was 9 1/2 weeks old and he’s now over 6 months old (he’ll be 7 months old on February 23). I am now only using White Light on him a once a day usually and before bed. I dilute it with YL’s V6 carrier oil so it will be more time released in his body. I recite the sentence from the beginning of this post, “Black Knight, Fierce Seer in the Night, receive the White Light.” I also pray over both dogs before bed at night, saying positive, life affirming things. Ezra will sometimes appear to be asleep so I’ll think I can skip doing this over him and he’ll raise his head EVERY SINGLE TIME as if to say, “Hey Mom what about MY prayer affirmation???” He desires it. How do they know? I don’t know. Maybe they sense or feel the difference over themselves when I do it or my attitude towards them during the recitation or both. After all, God is always with me. He’s petting them and loving them through me.
I really didn’t expect this blend to do this for Ezra but I’m REALLY glad it does! If I’d known the awesomeness of this blend I’d have purchased several bottles of it.
One more interesting thing is the information about white light in all I shared in this post today came to me after I began using this oil blend. I don’t think that is any coincidence, I think it’s just how God works.
So there you have it. Just my most recent uses in my home and why. I do my homework, do the research and I invest in my wellness and that of my dogs!
Until next time…(The Unseen). Reference my Be Well book for explanations of the Striped Ambassador, Attitude Adjuster and Beauty Queen.
Lastly, check out Dr. Doug Corrigan’s book, The Author of Light to truly have your mind blown!
Continuation of this 4-part series:
The Fierce Seer
The Unseen
The Scent of the Sent
Have a PAWsitively, tail waggin’, NATUROPATHICALLY healthy day!

Kim Bloomer, V.N.D., N.D. is an animal naturopath as well as being certified in small animal nutrition, with years of experience in animal wellness. Dr. Kim is a published author, writer, and blogger. Subscribe to her DOGgone Newsletter for updates or to her blog via email. Copyright ©2005-2025 Aspenbloom Pet Care, Dr. Kim Bloomer, All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the Author/Publisher. This article is intended to be educational. However, it is not intended to be a substitute for diagnosis or treatment from a qualified animal health professional. Dr. Kim Bloomer and Aspenbloom Pet Care, do not assume any legal responsibility for misuse of the products discussed in this article. The only essential oils referenced on this website are Young Living.