Running Wolf
Running Wolf

Running Wolf

Schatzie_in_the_fields_morning_walk6I know I’ve been sharing a lot of stories of my outings with Schatzie (aka Running Wolf) lately but since King is on the injured reserve list right now (but improving DAILY I might add – so exciting to watch it all happen naturally), I am enjoying sharing my adventures with this amazing dog. It is a testament to the laws of nature and the naturopathic approach to caring for our dogs.

As always, I give my dogs a variety of nicknames based upon the personalities that emerge from them as we grow in our relationship through the passage of time. Because of Schatzie both walking AND running with me over the last couple of months, I dubbed her Running Wolf. King is Running Bull and has been since the first week he came to live with us because he NEVER walked anywhere – he was always in zoom gear lol.

In the photo, however, Schatzie is standing still looking forward for one reason – she is attempting to show me she is NOT Standing Wolf but RUNNING Wolf. I had stopped to take a photo of the view of the mountains and snagged one of her as well. She is not one to pose for photos any longer and I am not certain why. So I have to grab them whenever I can which is when she isn’t looking. Running_Wolf_01202016

So for a moment, let’s look back at where she was in July and August of this past year as elaborated in this blog post: Schatzie Girl is Teaching Me. Now fast forward to her new title of Running Wolf. That has happened without any pHARMaceutical drugs, “special” dietary foods (aka junk in bags or cans), etc.

It has happened using nature’s remedies and food specific to a carnivore companion – aka species appropriate raw food diet. We tweaked that for her as we had to allow for her liver to rest as much as possible and so she was on a diet of poultry primarily for a while. We have recently added back in other meats, and less bone. She does receive recreational bones also for her teeth. It has been an interesting journey of learning for me and one of recovery for her.

We paid attention to her needs as an individual and allow her liberties she didn’t have before – such as sleeping in the living room by herself at night which she prefers. It is cooler and she just prefers her solitude away from us and King.

She and King are very different dogs with very different needs. Learning to adapt for them but still caring for them as the carnivores they are has deepened my own knowledge and experience. It has taught me to appreciate their unique personalities and needs within their species needs.

Schatzie is the dog that caused me to fall during a run with her and King shortly after she came to live with us which resulted in a broken ankle for me. During my own recovery I swore I’d never run with her again once I was able – but God had a MUCH better plan. I learned to have my quiet time with Him in the mornings during my recovery as a result FIRST – something I wasn’t doing prior to my fall. It proved out that pride does come before a fall.

King’s injury – which I believe is the result of epigenetic damage to his entire skeletal structure but the vets could only diagnose symptoms; I’ve never had them diagnose anything at the root cause level EVER – I decided to go the naturopathic route with him as well. Schatzie’s recovery has encouraged me in that area and to lean into that eighth law of health: TRUST.

Sandias_01202016What happened with King not being able to go the distance with us was that I was able to develop a deeper bond with Schatzie and build upon that so that now we are running together in sync. It isn’t perfect but it is excellent! I am SO grateful as it also gives me additional time to pray and praise God during the walk/run. It is quieter and calmer as well – King is a bundle of energy lol. And Schatzie has developed strength and confidence as well.

Today a rabbit nearly became her breakfast and if I hadn’t interfered it would be resting comfortably in her stomach right now. Lucky for the rabbit and a proud human of her carnivore companion. Schatzie took it all in stride. I honestly thought she was making a beeline for a coyote or I’d not have hindered her. That is how nature works and the rabbit would never have seen it coming. I didn’t even know it was a rabbit she was after until AFTER I called her to stop – she SO good about obeying those commands. The rabbit didn’t move until I got closer. I am not sure if it wasn’t well or just daydreaming about spring and more abundant food supply. It dashed away to safety and Schatzie to praise from me for being so awesome! To which she reacted rather proudly.

So now you know our story to date and how much has transpired as my husband and I have allowed nature to take her course in both of our dogs.

I’ll share King’s story with you when I see the final results so I can share openly and transparently with you all.

Until next time…

Have a positively tail waggin’, NATUROPATHICALLY healthy day! 




Kim Bloomer, V.N.D., N.D. is an animal naturopath as well as being certified in small animal nutrition, with years of experience in animal wellness. Dr. Kim is a published author, writer, and blogger. Subscribe to her DOGgone Newsletter for updates or to her blog via email. Copyright ©2005-2025 Aspenbloom Pet Care, Dr. Kim Bloomer, All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the Author/Publisher. This article is intended to be educational. However, it is not intended to be a substitute for diagnosis or treatment from a qualified animal health professional. Dr. Kim Bloomer and Aspenbloom Pet Care, do not assume any legal responsibility for misuse of the products discussed in this article. The only essential oils referenced on this website are Young Living.